"I'm just your mischievous neighborhood Law bully. I'll do my best to behave though and let our sweet captain have a good time."

"I have tons of cats. They drive me crazy. Therefore I am the crazy cat lady. Constant horn dog for Mihawk."

"Obsessing with the colour red and loving Eustass Kid come hand in hand for me, I think Law can be classed as the latter too."

"Another sucker for Law, especially as a duck or a mushroom. Tra-shroom forever!! (& Law as a normal person forever, too.)"

"I'm not very good at describing myself but I have been described as a "clownsexual" by my best friend and they aren't wrong."

"Vinsmoke CEO, valiant defender of Niji in particular. I have more fic ideas than I do cats and that is actually pretty concerning."